A lot of people have mentioned to me that I should start my own fashion blog. I've posted on Facebook the clothes I've bought and have been wearing since I realized that I couldn't go on wearing my oversized clothes. I decided I need some clothes that fit, but at the same time, I'm not sure if I'll continue to lose more weight. My solution: buy things on sale (which has really helped with sales around the holiday season), buy from resale and consignment and buy great pieces from a fabulous online boutique that has both stylish and very affordable clothing.
But, seriously though, what do I know about fashion? I know what I like. I have become obsessed with blogs about fashion I've found on Pinterest. I've learned about mixing patterns, which to me is very exciting. I have basically learned how to take common pieces we all have in our closets and mix and match them in different ways. And I gotta say, it's been fun.
In this post, I want to tell you all about the places where I shop and buy fantastic items I can work in different ways to come up with new outfits and, in the end, save tons of money and look pretty good doing.
Taking advantage of the great sales during the holidays, I shopped at Kohls where I purchased items such as the blue and white striped top, eggplant pants, black pencil skirt and both pairs of mid-calf boots (both last season but you can purchase both colors on Amazon). The charcoal jeweled cardigan, black leggings and multicolored including pink scarf all came from Target. The black fleeced-lined tights came from Urban Outfitters. And one of my favorite new go-to pieces, the denim button-down top came from H&M. Let me reiterate and say that every item bought new was on sale at great prices. Take advantage of sales.
All of the pants you see me wearing in these pictures, with the exception of the leggings and tights, are from a resale place called Clothes Mentor. The cool thing about this store is there's multiple locations. They have 98 stores in 25 states. To find the location nearest you, here's their website... http://www.clothesmentor.com/.
Check it out! These are the store locations in Texas alone.
Pretty awesome huh?
Here's they McKinney store website: http://www.clothesmentor.com/mckinney
The Plano store website: http://www.clothesmentor.com/plano
And one more just for fun...
The Frisco store website: http://www.clothesmentor.com/frisco
You get the idea, right?
Now let's talk about an amazing resale and consignment store right in my my own backyard in good ol' Wichita Falls. It's called Karma. They don't have an official website but you can follow them on Instagram (@gitnitgurl --go and follow her now!). Let's see...the chambray tunic, red/white/gray scarf, plaid button up top, pink flats, long cashmere sweater vest (one of my favorite pieces) and red leopard print scarf all came from Karma.
Last but certainly not least, a fabulous online boutique called Minty Hotto Boutique. I've bought many pieces from this store including the chevron print top and dress. Minty Hotto caters to all sizes even the curviest of curvy women. Check out her website: http://www.mintyhotto.com/. Here are a few more samples of the things she carries and more info as well.

I just bought the last two tops. Great with leggings or skinny jeans and boots with or without a belt. Also, great tops for pattern mixing as well. Anyway, I love her store. Such great prices, free shipping and great customer service. You can follow her both on Facebook (Minty Hotto Boutique) where she constantly updates with new items, has giveaways and does FB real time online auctions and on Instagram (@mhboutique --go follow her now). FYI, I was going to post a picture of one of her newest items she just posted tonight that I want, but alas, I didn't want you to beat me to the punch and buy her out before I got the chance.
How's that for my first fashion blog entry? If you like what you've read and seen, subscribe, comment and tell others so they can do the same.
I was thinking of doing an outfit a day daily post with inspiration from Pinterest and ideas of where to buy, things like that.
We shall see where this takes us. Be sure and check out Clothes Mentor, Karma and Minty Hotto Boutique. You will not be disappointed; I can promise you that! Come and check out my future blogs and, while you're here, check out my recipes and other past posts.
Love your blog
ReplyDeleteGreat job and looking forward to checking out the sites.
Thank you, Jacqui! Appreciate your support!